William D. Wickersham WWII Collection

William D. Wickersham WWII Collection
Personal materials of William D. Wickersham reflecting his military experience during World War II.
Courtesy of Douglas WadeThe William D. Wickersham WWII collection, which was in excellent condition upon its donation, is comprised of: 15 ethnographic objects, 21 correspondence documents, 318 photographs (depicting basic training, military training exercises, inspections, and American military battles in Rome Arno, Southern France, Ardennes, Rhineland and Central Europe), 108 postcards, 30 newspaper articles from various American newspapers (1946-1948), 4 editions of the 505th Parachute Infantry Static Line Newspaper (1947) and 95 editions of the Airborne Paraglide Newspaper (1946-1949).
In this collection